
Wednesday 26 October 2016

WOYWW #386

This is What'sOnYourWorkdeskWednesday - if you want to find out more then checkout the WOYWW tab at the top of the page - and our thanks go to Julia for hosting this weekly meet up.

Another week, another Wednesday, another desk.  Well, no actually it's the same desk just different!
I managed to complete my cards and ATC from last week, although I haven't managed to post them yet!
After visiting Solihull with PJ and Little Soldier - to fit in a visit with my CRUNCH group - I popped into Tiger in the shopping arcade as Steph had told us Tiger had some punches for sale ............
Shouldn't have done that!!
Came back home with some packs of stamps, which you can see centre top, and lots of presents for Christmas ....... it's such a lovely shop and, being Danish, has a different design mind.
I have just finished updating the stamp folder so the boxes of stamps are still piled up.  The other stamps are on my desk because I want to redo the ATCs which were lost in the post (here).
I don't know when I will be able to do these cards so my thinking is ..... if I have five minutes then I can do a bit ... stamp, cut, fold, stick ... you get the idea?!?
So that's my desk for this week, could be the same next week as we catch up with all the jobs - Autumn, leaves collecting, plants bringing in to greenhouse, last clear up of garden ..... jobs that are on hold as we have Little Soldier while the house move is completed.
Talking of whom ..... we collected him from his old flat and took him home to his new house last night ......
He's visited lots of times, but never stayed overnight ....I'll update later as to how he slept!  lol
UPDATE: Little Soldier slept through his first night in his new home, life for him has continued as normal .... just his parents who are living in chaos!!!

Have a good week everyone and I will catch up with you all later..........


  1. Tiger is a very tempting place, so I'm not surprised that you came out with lots of goodies! I hope you managed to get some sleep last night by the way, lol :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xxx

  2. Looks like a very good selection of goodies. How annoying to have to redo the lost ATC's. Hope you had a great time with the little one.
    sandra de @25

  3. Hi Christine, well, you've gone and done it now, haven't you! Lol. We have a branch of that store opened in our shopping centre this week, and now I HAVE to go in and have a look! If I spend money I shall blame you,lol. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #1 xxx

  4. You found some wonderful products. Sorry things got lost in the post. I took a look at your clickable link and loved the first ATC with the face.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon k #42

  5. I love Tiger too! your little(!) shop looks fab. hope little soldier has a good visit and you all get some sleep!! Helen #5

  6. Oh, new stamps! Sounds familiar!! I really like that one with the person in it that I can see "boy" written on it. It's so cool. Oh, and your little soldier is a pure cutie! Here's hoping all goes well! :)
    Hope #43

  7. They're so much fun when they're little. I hope he slept well.
    April #39

  8. Hi Christine,
    It sounds like you have so many craft stores and I'm so limited. But not enough to feel like I'm missing anything!!! tee hee.

    What a cutie pie! I hope he slept well (and everyone else).

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Kay (47)

  9. I like the sound of the shop you visited, will have to look into that. Happy belated woyww, Angela x 20

  10. Happy Belated WOYWW. I love Tiger. Our nearest is in a town about 1 hour away, and we haven't been there for ages - which is probably good, as I always come out with a bagful ! Hope that Little Soldier allowed you some sleep. Ali x #7


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...