
Wednesday 8 February 2017

WOYWW #401

This is What'sOnYourWorkdeskWednesday - if you want to find out more then checkout the WOYWW tab at the top of the page - and our thanks go to Julia for hosting this weekly meet up.

It's a special day today in our family.  Our youngest, Little Soldier's Mother, has her birthday ... one she doesn't want for some reason .... it's not a biggie or an important one .. she just doesn't like the number!
We will all go out for a meal on Sunday, our family and friends, we will all have a lovely time and she will be the big ....... I won't say it .... she has a long way to go yet and lots of exciting times lie ahead.  PJ says everyday is an adventure ..... she has lots ahead of her .....
... and on my desk lies her birthday card .... the finished edition!

Experienced desk snoopers explorers visitors will also notice that silver peel offs can be transformed using Promarkers .... if you come in close you might be forgiven for thinking 'funny way of putting it' but you see I couldn't find the 'th'  ....... he! he!
I have been sorting through my box of finished cards, the blue one remains on my desk cos I thought it was inspiring .... my copy one did not work out right and is lying in the bin!  The washi tape is still on my desk, I used some of it on a swap card on Saturday so they all remain in view.
I hope that we can all stay warm this coming week, the weather forecast is predicting a time to stay indoors and craft so have a good week.
I shall visit, early if Little Soldier has his nap .... later if he decides otherwise.


  1. Hi Christine. Lovely cards there - well done. Hope you have a fantastic time as a family on Sunday.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  2. Now I really want to know what that number is she doesn't like LOL. At least she won't be sad next year when she gets a year older. Lovely card to commemorate the occasion - putting her birth date on it instead of the dreaded number was a genius idea! Enjoy your family get together! zsuzsa #30

  3. who's counting anyway? ... Hope you had a fab time of celebration Dxxx #31

  4. A ery elegant card waiting serenely, and what is wrong with having ANOTHE 21st Birthday I may ask? I have my 21st all the time! Happy WOYWW! Anne #10

  5. What a lovely card! Hope you all enjoy yourselves on Sunday. All the best - \enbroidRage #8 x

  6. Numbers are important. I wonder why she doesn't care for this one. An association with something she'd rather not dwell on, perhaps. In any event, you're sure to have cheered her with your lovely card. Creative Blessings! Kelly #35

  7. I hope your daughter has a wonderful day, annoying numbers not withstanding!! Love the card you did for her :-D. Hope you're all keeping well and happy!
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xxxx

  8. Aww hope your daughter enjoys the day anyway . She will love your card. It IS blinkin cold and I intend to stay in the warm and create this weekend. Have a lovely time on Sunday xx Soojay 44

  9. whatever number, it is only a number! hope you all have a great time when you celebrate. Hope your craft shop comes to be! Helen #1

  10. Great card, teabag folding n'est pas? I love pink. BJ#9

  11. perhaps I ought to have said pinky purple really - LOL BJ

  12. Pretty card, I know she'll love it, and warn's only a number and even if she doesn't like it and thinks she's facing a year of'll feel like ten minutes on the other side! Happy happy returns, too!

  13. Hi Christine, very pretty card. I think we all go through those birthdays that make us feel well..... older but then suddenly you start to realise how lucky you are to have reached them. Life is so unpredictable that we just have to be grateful for every birthday we have Lol! Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 20

  14. Happy Birthday to Little Soldier's Mom, in 20 years she will look back on this birthday and laugh - "I was upset because of that?". I had my worst birthday at 40, I remember crying in the bathtub, and now at 63, I look back and think, I should have enjoyed that day! Silly me! Hope she has a wonderful birthday regardless, she deserves it. Thanks for sharing! Lindart #45

  15. Hi your cards and ATC's! Take care.


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...