
Wednesday 1 November 2017

WOYWW #439

Our weekly meetup of show & tell workdesks ...... love this little get together every week..... in the comfort of our own homes ..... come and join us ..... our Hostess Julia (deets at the top of the page) won't mind - I'm sure she'd say 'more the merrier' so come on in .....

It was all lies last week ..... just the start of the post anyways ....

The desk
It is not the same as last week because I have put the lid back on the box and added some more stamps!!!
No cards made though ...... there in lies the lie ......
I cannot believe that it is a week gone by already - I haven't stopped!
Mainly because last week was taken up with preparing for the weekend Open Day at Tyseley (check out Ben Mason's Post).
Another wonderful day out among the Steam Engines!
This week so far Little Soldier has taken up most of our time..... and will continue for another day .......I'm not complaining but I really do need to craft!
Keeping this short and sweet as 'they' say .... will try to catch up with you all later.

PS Cannot believe it is 1st November ...... already?...... how did that happen?!!


  1. Morning Christine. I wouldn't have known it was all lies if you hadn't mentioned it.... I was absent last week - still gadding around Britain! However, as you say.. a start has been made. You got the box out and had a look. Careful planning is, after all, always required!
    Take care, girl. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  2. Hi Christine, I'm sure you'll make a start soon. At least you've found some stamps to get you started. Happy WOYWW Sarah #23

  3. I dunno! How can it be November already? I'm trying to work out where the past nine months have gone, because that's how long we've been in Wales but it only feels like a fortnight :-D. I love steam engines so am very jealous of your fun weekend away, it sounded brilliant!! You'll get going, crafting-wise that is - when the panic kicks in, lol - that's how I seem to get by :-D
    Hugs LLJ 13 xxxx

  4. I know the feeling about non-crafting time although I an hardly say I have been up to my eyes in other things. Just don't know what happens but I get so little done. Saying that I have made a start on catching up on some things but there are UFO's in my room that I so want to finish but that have been sat there for years - and I mean that.
    Your steam weekend sounds fun - just enjoy the memories of that for the time being.
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  5. Hi Christine, over here there was no crafting either, although I did finally manage to get my craft room tidied and reasonably organised finally! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  6. no crafting here either.... need to kick into action soon! Helen #4

  7. I known the feeling, It's flown round to November so quickly. Crafting is essential, I get withdrawal symptoms when I can't craft hehe
    Ellie #35

  8. I am enjoying popping around and seeing everyone's desks with fresh eyes. Can't believe it's been so long that I joined in. Great to see you. Take care Zo xx 26

  9. Time flies past terrifyingly fast, doesn't it! I haven't done anything in my studio for weeks, which is getting pretty frustrating - in between being too busy, I'm too tired! Ah well.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #5

  10. Hi Christine, it's easy to blink and a week has gone by! I agree ... November! How did that happen! Sounds like you had a fun time even without crafting! Have a lovely week Heather #7

  11. Sounds exhausting to me! I hope the need to craft manages to win out a's just so easy for a week to slip by before the box or desk gets any attention! Happy days with that little soldier!


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...