
Wednesday 15 November 2017

WOYWW #441

Our weekly meetup of show & tell workdesks ...... love this little get together every week..... in the comfort of our own homes ..... come and join us ..... our Hostess Julia (deets at the top of the page) won't mind - I'm sure she'd say 'more the merrier' so come on in .....

Smashing desk this week!!
I'm actually making embellishments for Christmas Cards!  I have several 'recycled' cards made ready to be finished off so I am still feeling happy - wish I had time to start my homemade pressie though - but prioritise I must as we begin this countdown to Christmas .......The idea with these particular embellishment is to form a 'fan' ..... I know ..... sounds daft but should work!
I must add that I have been so busy in the garden as I have a big bag of bulbs to plant; so everyday for the past week we have been gradually clearing the weeds round the roses and planting the bulbs, just a few more to go ......
I am spending the odd half hour here and there to make the cards ... I am getting there, honestly!!
That's my post for this week, will try to get round to visit a few more desks this week ..... only managed a few last week, thanks to all my visitors who didn't give up on me!


  1. I should be doing cards now, but am visiting desks instead.... thanks for stopping by, and for visiting Kew too! Helen #1

  2. Yes Christmas is coming round very fast, glad to hear you get some crafty time to yourself. Happy woyww
    Have a good week.
    Ellie #19

  3. Good luck with the jobs Christine, I'm sure you'll get it all done. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

  4. AH the bulbs will pay you back by the shed load won't they, so worth the time! I dont think short stints at your desk hurt - sometimes they are more productive and inspirational than whole afternoons!

  5. Hi Christine, I too have a selection of bulbs to plant- being ill and in hospital has completely thrown my plans out. I'm hoping it stays mild & fine this weekend, and I can get a few jobs done in the garden. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  6. Well, you are further on than I am as I haven't made a single card as yet. Think commercial ones will feature in my lot this year. Ooh, bulb planting - what are they? I imagine daffodils but they could be tulips, crocus or anything. Maybe I am totally off with my guesses.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  7. I'm sure you'll get everything finished in the end Christine. Some of my home made Christmas presents will be given this year (I hope) as I didn't get them done in time last year and ended up buying. Happy WOYWW Sarah #10

  8. Working in the garden and then moving on to a quick xmas card tells me you a very organised. I would start in the garden and lose track of time. thanks for the visit earlier.
    sandra de @4

  9. Hi Christine. I'm finally getting around to everyone... phew - what a week! You'll have a wonderful show of colour in the spring - well done. I'm sure you will also manage to get all done that needs doing!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...