
Thursday 12 July 2018

WOYWW #475

WOYWW - All the deets on how to link up etc. and, more importantly, why you should, can be found at the top to the page.  Thank you Julia for hosting another week of fun and mayhem.

A little late..... OK, a lot late but better late than never!!!
My desk is full of stampings waiting to be attached to cards ..... can't see them?!!?
They are under the guillotine etc as some are stamped on painted backgrounds, which have dried wrunkled - turned up at the corners - so I am trying to flatten them.
I shall Blog the cards once they have been received.  I must say that I had a lovely day masking and stamping and painting and stamping and ........ you get the picture. 
Some of the stamps are brand new so I am pleased to get them used at last.
Short but sweet today as I have to make up the cards now, especially one, and get them dropped through letterboxes..... thank goodness they are for neighbours!
Here's some good news .......
The Painter is nearly finished now with the Hall, Stairs and Landing - yeah!!!

Have a good week, it's only 16C here today so liveable again!!


  1. Hi Christine, love the guillotine. I have the older Tonic one, not the rebranded TH one, but I have to say I love it, and use it all the time. Generally, the perfect size. I do have a larger X-Cut one for bigger sheets of card, but don't use it as often. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  2. Hi Christine, it's a bit more comfortable here today too. Glad the painting is nearly finished, can't have been fun in this heat. Have a great week. Sarah #14

  3. Wrunkled is a great word...sums it up comepltely! I'm glad the temps have gone down to a more manageable range as well, it was too darned hot for me!

  4. Hi Christine - sounds like you are having fun even if your papers are "wrinkled" - I LOVE that word - does it come from the Midlnds, 'cos I'm sure I used to use it when young... Hope you got everything done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  5. Hi Christine. I'm a bit late too this week, don't know where the time goes. Look forward to seeing the cards. Happy belated woyww and wishing you a fun and crafty week, Angela x13x

  6. just went back to make sure I'd visited all the desks and here's another one! hope your cards got well flattened and finished! Helen #1

  7. I love the word wrunkled, it's not only paper and card that maybe feeling that way this week hee hee!! Hope you got your cards finished & posted, it's always a bonus if we can hand deliver them.
    Thanks for sharing WOYWW Happy Crafting Tracey #2

  8. I apologize for visiting so late, Christine, although you appear to be late, too. My slow internet that my provider can’t seem to help me with, along with a visit from three young people has culminated with a cough, chills, sweats, and sore throat that my friends believe is the flu. This may seem like a cop-out, but I believe in visiting everyone, or I shouldn’t be playing. I appreciate you understanding.

    I have the same problem when making journal pages. Sometimes you just have to wait and allow the pages to sit under something heavy overnight, and then, like magic the "wrunkle" is gone. Happy very belated WOYWW from # 4.

  9. HI Christine. you think you're late posting? I'm even later getting 'round. hehe yay on the painting almost finished. That has to be a bright spot (as I am haunted by the door trim behind me in need of 2 coats) Glad you got some stamping time in. New toys this week seems to be a theme LOL Creative Blessings! Kelly #31


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...