
Thursday 12 November 2020

WOYWW #597

 WOYWW - All the deets on how to link up etc. and, more importantly, why you should, can be found at the top of the page.  Thank you Julia for hosting another week of fun and mayhem.

Look very carefully at this photo . . . . . what is missing?

NO List!!!

I have given up keeping one as more 'schtuff' keeps arriving as I cross things off my list!  lol

I have taken up my knitting again and just started the sleeves to little small item . . . . .

We, Flump and me, had a visitor in the garden yesterday . . . .

Certainly enjoyed the seeds that were out for the birds, I thought it was a dove or something as it had such a pretty face.  Looked it up and Mr G seems to think it's a pigeon!!  I think it's the red stockings that give it away!!

Short and sweet today as I have to clear out the chicken ranch and fill up the feeders, it's all go round here you know!!  Can't leave it too late or it is too dark, such fun!!  lol

Off to put the wellies on . . . . 


  1. Hi Christine, good job I popped back to check on any late comers and here you are. Yes that looks like a pigeon to me too. Enjoy your ranch tidying. Big hugs, Angela x15x

  2. Hi Christine, yes, that does look like a pigeon, the feral variety. Seeing that made me think they must have had a cull over here, as we used to get lots around here, but not seen one all year this year. It does indeed get dark quickly now, the daylight seems to fly past. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  3. Hello Christine, I used to dislike pigeons as they seemed so greedy for the bird food I put out, but while in lockdown I’ve come to enjoy watching their antics. I watched one pigeon in the rain lifting up each wing like he was enjoying showering his wing pits. It was very funny. Take care with hugs from Sue #18. x

  4. sorry I’m late. Yeah,its a pigeon, despite its pretty markings. I only know because they are a common feature in my garden as they wait for npmy neighbour to put out her daily seed ration before work! The noise...oh the noise!
    Will be thinking of you on Friday as you all say your formal goodbyes to Peter. Sending you love and hugs - big hugs like Peter used to do. X

  5. hahahahaa yup pretty sure its a pigeon. This did make me chuckle, still a cute pigeon though.
    Have a great week! x
    Ellie #27

  6. Sweet knitting, Christine. I would be lost with the patterned stitch - I'm no good at that! It's stocking stitch and loads of colour for me lol! Nice to have a pigeon visit you!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #23

  7. Hi Christine
    Am soooo slow to comment. Days are simply tooo short!
    Also struggle to commemt on your page as has embedded comment boxes. Have just asked Blogger if they can fix commenting issue on iPad. One can always hope and pray. Love your knitting and pidgeon visitor. Our pudgeons are natives to Oz and differnt but grey too.

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  8. Commenting on mobile so sorry for typos, terny tiny screen. Xx


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...