Meeting up in the village, we were soon on the bus into town. We stopped on the way for Dx to have a look round the fish market and . . . . . sample some wares of course!!!
Then it was on to our lunch venue, dear old Wetherspoons of course! We just love their Fish and Chips but guess what . . . . . so does half of Birmingham it seems . . . . . we had to choose something else but that isn't really a problem in here.
We're in the Chinese Quarter so the pub is aptly named. I popped into a shop to pick up my Red Envelopes for next year . . . . I only use one shop which is always busy but they are just so customer orientated . . . .
Coming out of the Dragon we just have to cross over the road and . . . .
Just love this theatre . . ..
We still had plenty of time to wander inside and find our way to our seats . . . .
Once seated we had chance to look around. This was Dx first visit here and he was thoroughly enjoying himself, especially when he saw the rats around the auditorium!!!
The safety curtain was down ready and we were getting into panto mode . . . oh! yes we were!!
This was a very low key show this year.
Marti Pellow, Dr Ranj and Susan Shaw (He'rsay) were the brought in stars.
For us the local artists carried the show. Round here we have two celebrated artists who appear every year, usually in supporting roles. This year they were the main characters . . . . did they let us down?
Oh! No they didn't . . .
Matt Slack (Dick Whittington) is just great, we have no idea how he learns all those lines and he ad libs wonderfully.
Doreen Tipton (Black Country girl who makes us laugh by just speaking!) was the Cat.
They have been together in the pantos for a long time . . . oh! yes they have!
Andrew Ryan is a smashing Dame. He posted a short video on Facebook a while back and it is amazing how many costume (some he made himself) changes he makes!
Dr Ranj, well . . . . he sang, he danced, he cracked jokes . . . . he was an eye opener on stage.
Marti Pellow was the Rat Man . . . . costumed up and singing his heart out . . . . at the end he even asked us to boo him one more time! Oh! yes he did!
Susan Shaw was Alice . . . . well, you can imagine the jokes . . . .
After the show we caught a black cab home . . . . the only way to travel from the theatre in my opinion!
Bookings for next year are already being taken . . . . Matt Slack in Jack and the Beanstalk . . . .