
Thursday 16 August 2018

Another very busy day .... in West Brom

This is one day out that I personally love, don't know about the others!!
It was decided that we would travel into town on the train, so off we all went.... Little Soldier being very excited cos he went into town with Mommy and Daddy so he knew the way and would show us.

Once in town we headed up New Street as we were going to call into MacDonalds for lunch, on the way we discovered a Dinosaur.  

We had a good read of the map and found out there were lots more around the town .... maybe we would be able to find some more .... have to keep a lookout.....

After we finished lunch we caught the tram outside Grand Central (we know it as New Street Station!) into West Bromwich, which meant that we would go right through the city and out the other side.
We found lots to see on the way there, including these carved bricks set into the wall at the Hawthorns stop.
We found out it was Market Day and the High Street was just one long market (note to Mommy - we must come back and visit!).
We wandered through all the shopping centre, up the escalator and out the other side and there it was!!

Funky Monkey!

Little Soldier was off ....whoa there! ... we have to pay the man first!

Grandma and Granddad settled down with a cup of coffee and watched as Little Soldier had a great time ..... up, down, over, under .....

Don't try to look at him ... he was too fast for the camera!!

This group of lads formed a train to go down what looked like rollers and then ran back up the sides .... such fun!

Then there were the shops and cars to explore .....

.... the ship to steer, the roundabout to ride.....

You getting the picture? ..... such goings on ......


Time was up..... was back to the Tram we had to go ......
We came into West Bromwich on a Blue Tram but we were hoping we could catch a pink one to take us back to Birmingham.... what luck!!

Once we arrived at our stop, we went to look for a Hat Shop so Granddad could buy a new hat but we couldn't find it anywhere and, eventually, Grandma said 'enough!  Teatime' 
We headed into the Square Peg and had a delicious tea - Fish and Chips!!

We waited for the train to take us home, meeting up with friends while at the station so it was the best end to a perfect day.......
Some of the memories made - 
Little Soldier, hearing me call Peter so he could look at the carved bricks, then proceeded to call Granddad 'Peter' .... so funny.
Granddad and Little Soldier silhouetted against the window, but busy colouring in a picture while they waited for tea .... so heartwarming.

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