
Saturday 10 August 2019

WOYWW #531

If you would like to share your mess desk with like minded friends, please link up with us at Chez Julia (Stamping Ground).  There's lots of us over there, sharing all our little (or not so little) hobbies.  Come over and join in...........

I think the party started some time ago but honestly!..... I've been away from home .... no I haven't.... just looking after the Grandsons!!!

We have had three fantastic, absolutely wearing out, funfilled days.  We are shattered now so only just found time to sit at the PC and join the fun.  I nearly missed it .....

The desk
sorry about the lighting, it's that window that does it!!!

I have been looking for an I-Spy book so there is everything everywhere ..... haven't found the book yet though!
Lots of paper from last week plus a box of odds and ends that landed on the desk.
Such a super week though considering the weather....
Day one
We visited  Wythall Transport Museum and enjoyed looking at all the old vehicles.  After our picnic we went for lots of rides on the train!  Then we found out we could sit upstairs on a really old fashioned bus and rode all round the countryside.
Day Two
We went to Cannon Hill Park again.  Lots going on here as it's the school holidays!!!  We ended the day having rides on the funfair..... 

Day Three
We travelled into town on the train and out again on the tram to West Bromwich.  We were headed for the soft play area which will be the first time for GSF.  GSD knew where he was, shoes were off and he was gone!!!  It's very difficult to photograph him as he rarely stays still long enough....
We had tea in the Square Peg so that we could watch the Trams as they went past.
DDN and DDC caught the same train home but we never met until we went up to the main road home.
Superb days, good weather (surprisingly!) and lots of fun.  Very tiring for the Grandees who just came home and went to bed!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun time was had by all Christine. At least there is plenty going on on your desk, hope you find the iSpy book. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #10


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...