
Wednesday 9 June 2021

WOYWW #627

 Hello my fellow WOYWWers

A very short post to say it feels as though I am back among the living. . . . . . . 

I have the new (to me) laptop up and running, albeit without several editing programs yet to be uploaded!!

I am linking this very short post because I think I can . . . .  no pictures but my desk just has this laptop on it.

No photos of the great ATCs I have received from Wipso and Twiglet and the one from my swap partner Maurs which arrived yesterday.  As soon as I can I will post photos . .  . sooner than later I hope.

Have a good week

Hoping to link this with Julia at Stamping Ground and catch up with everyone.


  1. It’s good to see you on the desks again Christine and I’m really glad that your new tech is nearly there. Thank you for the beautiful ATC you sent, the sentiment really hit home xx
    HUgs LLJ 6 xxx

  2. Hooray for new tech! The Hubster installed a new WiFi 6 mesh in the house and we are experiencing really good (quick! knock wood) connections and speed across all the house internets. SUCH a relief after a time of drops and s l o w speeds and annoyances. Hope to see the ATCs when you get things sorted - I just love these weeks after a swap!

    Back from my first real HAIRCUT in 18 months - truly a HAPPY WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  3. I had a new laptop for Christmas/birthday and am still a bit puzzled by the way it works. Maybe it's jealous because my old steam run laptop it just sitting here inches away, sleeping...just in case! I have a spare 'susan' on my atc list waiting for an address, is that you!? I've got completely muddle, I knew I would, making sure I put the right things with the right address's and they still haven;t arrived to their destinations! I know 9 of them spend two nights in the post box coz I forgot, there's no post on holiday weekends! Oh well. Time will tell! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #26

  4. It's definitely good to see you back up and running again Christine, I hope the new laptop does the job you want it too. Take care of yourself & Happy WoywW Tracey #13

  5. So glad you are up and running on the tech front again, Christine! Well done. It's only when it breaks down that we appreciate just how much we depend upon it. Thank you for such a sweet comment on my blog, and you know how much I appreciate your support and prayers. I know the Lord will sustain me through all of this, whatever the outcome. I agree with you, it was such a great day when we all met up in Torquay, wasn't it! I was so glad to have the opportunity to meet Pete.

    Happy WOYWW and God bless you,
    Shoshi x #9

  6. What a relief when you realize you can finally get online and be up and running again. Congrats and I look forward to photos soon, Christine. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

  7. I'm so happy you are in the land of the living and computering too hahaha. Hope to see more of your work soon.
    Keep safe.

  8. Hi Christine, Congratulations on being on the Vera Lane DT - well done. It's just nice knowing you are here pictures or not. Enjoy your new laptop.
    Upsetting but understanding to read your comment on DR's blog, it's strange how you never come to terms with these things. Just learnt my cousin is very poorly, he's 91, and I find myself in tears now and then through the day. A bit of a shock despite his age. Grief is such a terrible thing isn't it.
    Sending gentle hugs, Neet 5 xx

  9. Fabulous to see you back with us and that you are feeling more like you again! totally understandable to read your comments on Debbie's blog. good luck with pics and getting programmes loaded!! Helen #2

  10. Happy WOYWW Christine, good luck with getting your computer ready for action. Angela # 12

  11. I'm quite happy for a quick post today as I'm rather late just got distracted. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x17x

  12. I wish I could give you the most huge hug Christine - all I can do is send you much love. Debbie xxx

  13. Good to see you back Christine. Have fun with the new laptop. Hope you get to grips with it fully soon. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  14. Yay for new tech! Kind of! They take so long to get back to where you want everything don't they?! Bye for now, Lisa-Jane #8

  15. Hiya Christine - its just nice that you were able to comment so we all know you are OK! I alsmost didnt post at all this week either - I am - like every one seems to be "flat out like a lizard drinkin" to use an Aussie expression LOL! Have a great week - Stay safe & well - Cheers Maurs xxx #35

  16. So glad you have a new laptop and hope you get everything on there that you need soon,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Liian B #10


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...