
Wednesday 15 December 2021

WOYWW #654


The sun has got his hat on!!!

The desk . . . .

I'm late to the party here . . . . I don't do batch die cuts but this year it is all change round here.

After I had finished all the cutting and sorted out the sentiments, I remembered Shaz telling us about storing her diecuts, even bringing some to a Crop, so I spent a lovely couple of hours in her company.  Thank you Shaz, you will never be forgotten.

Also on my desk, which you can probably just make out on the left side, are some lights and a tree.  They have had a glue session . . . . 

This tree belonged to my Mother, who, no matter how many times I told her to throw the tatty thing out, always brought out this little tree at Christmas time.  Now I don't know what memories it held for her but it always makes me smile thinking of how she loved it . . . . . .

Christmas always seems a time for remembering doesn't it? 

Another memory is here, out of the Decs box . . . . happy memory from MaryAnne, she introduced me to the WOYWWers . . . thank you. 

Happy memories for me cos Christmas is special.

I have my tree decorated and lit but my village has yet to appear . . . . I think next year I will start Christmas preps at the end of October . . . .

Wall paper this week . . . . . 

. . . . . so just remember . . . .

 WOYWW?  What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday of course!  The day I go travelling round as many desks as I can to see what other folks have been up to and, of course, my Thanks go to Julia at Stamping Ground for enabling so many desks and lifestyles to be shared each week.  Thank you.


  1. Awwww, that little tree is so wonderful, it made me smile, what a fab way to remember your mum xx I think of Shaz all the time too and am so grateful that our paths crossed via WOYWW, my life has be enriched by knowing all you lovely gals - we wouldn’t have met otherwise. So I’m sending you extra special hugs this Christmas as well.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  2. Hi Christine, we remember people all the time, but somehow Christmas makes it more of a time to talk about memories. What a lovely little tree you have to remind you of your mukm. Everyone should eave something to remind them of a mum.
    I hope you are going to be surrounded by family this year, little ones are ideal for making those times enjoyable aren't they, so I hope you have a lovely time when it comes around. But there is one more WOYWW before then isn't there, so more time to say Happy Christmas.
    Stay sae and well
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  3. that is a great tree to remember your mum. Hopefully by next week's desk I'll be ready for Christmas, presents bought and wrapped... they'd better be!! take care and stay safe. Helen #2

  4. Hi Christine, don't ask where I've been but I've only just got round to opening the laptop. Your Christmas tree is lovely and I can well understand why your mum loved it so much. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

  5. What a cute tree full of memories CHristine. Great way to spend some time with SHaz too - you are well organised for sentiments next year. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  6. Oh Christine, I’m very touched with your stories, your Mum’s little tree is treasure. I was writing cards and had to start again for Doug’s because it’s still second nature to add ‘and Shaz’….and I too have used a couple of her tips recently…so true, never forgotten. Hope you aren’t feeling overwhelmed by the Christmas preparations, it’ll be the same occasion if you keep it pared down a bit, give yourself a breather. Peter and the train immediately come to my mind when I think of your tree, what a lovely warm memory.

  7. I love your post this week, I was very moved by both your stories. Shaz got me onto the multi pocket holders and I've kept my die cuts in them ever since, I always cut one or two extra every time I use a die and pop them in the folder and it always makes me think of Shaz. I love the little tree too, we had a green one, almost identical to yours that belonged to my grandparents and then my mum - it's tucked away somewhere but I haven't seen it for a few years - now I won't settle until I find it - I feel a rummage through the loft coming on!
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #12

  8. I seem to have memories of a similar cute Christmas tree. I am sure I have a quote : Rememberance shines bright at Christmas. Had to look for it :- Rememberance, like a candle shines brightest at Christmas time ~ Charles Dickens
    Angela. #11

  9. Well I'll be! I saw that font and thought"Oh that is so me!" Turns out it really is LOL! And the tree story, so sweet. I have a very tiny stuffed mouse choir singer my mom made on my tree and it makes me smile every year - it'll probably make me cry when she isn't around anymore. Memories of Shaz ill be with us all for a very long time, as they should. Lovely rememberance quote too - there is a very occasional benefit to being so disorganized my visit is quite late! Glad I saw it. :)
    Late AGAIN, but Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  10. Yes indeed Christmas is a time for memories, not all nostalgic or happy, but little things still come through to make us laugh.
    Keep well and safe
    Happy Christmas and New Year.
    Faith x


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...