
Wednesday 24 May 2023

WOYWW #729

 Calmed down now are we?

After all the excitement of last week, today seems a bit boring . . . 

The desk

I'm sorting 'stuff' and we have a few old photos left on the desk.

Loved this one . . . 

My sister's wedding back in '57!!  Do you remember those days, just an excuse to catch up with everyone . . . .

That's me on the front row in a beautiful, gorgeous pale blue brocade dress and blue feathered headdress!  I felt so grown up . . .

I look at this photo now and realise that there's not many of us could meet up now. But . .  it will be a useful photo to show to the Grandboys, they can see my Grandad as I remember him . . .

I have received a few more ATCs to add to my collection . . . I actually went through the years' ATCs and had myself a lovely time.  Thank you all so much for being part of my happy.

Angela @ Felix the Crafty Cat.  Steampunking, very cleverly.

Tracy, Lynne, Julia with badge and BJ

I have also received from Mary Anne.

MaryAnne has chattered on and shown how to do it and completely lost me!!  When all this came, I could understand and marvel at how she can do all this . . .  Thank you MaryAnne.

Thank you to everyone who swapped with me. I used the Anniversary to reach out to others who no long participate, just to let them know I think of them at these special times, I hope I haven't offended.

So onto my sorting and chucking and stashing . . . . . so much to do!  

Then of course one has to add in the garden.  During the sorting, I also found some seeds that Peter had stashed . . .  they are now sown and sprouting!

Striped Tomatoes! 


one inside and one outside . . .  PURPLE carrots!

Then there's the RAINBOW Chard . . . . . only Peter!!

They were a present from DDC many years ago . . . . will be interesting to see the results . . . I will keep you updated!1

The screen

don't you believe it!!


  1. LOL! So glad you liked it and it all became clear once you held it in your hands. Honestly, it would have all been such a rousing success had my WRMK envelope punch thingie not self destructed as I was in the middle of making all those envelopes! Yikes. Loving all the garden pictures, and hope you chard comes in like a beautiful rainbow.... :D
    Happy WOYWW, on the way to 15!
    Mary Anne (2)

  2. Oh your screen saver made me laugh! The only thing is I’m so very bad at doing nothing, crazy really. I LOVED that pic of you from the wedding, can still see you there! The ATCs were great fun and I agree, Mary Anne’s was amazing, I spent some time trying to work out how she’d done it!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  3. The family pictures are great. I found some old ones of family (including me as a child) and scanned them thinking, 'vintage!' but they were nearly all black ink, which is a shame. Love your scene saver too! That me all over, I can't just do one thing so start a trillion things and finish, done! I have it in my head that I'm sending you one, but you're not on my list, so I don't think I have, but if you'd like one I have some left ! Happy WOYWW!?
    ((Lyn)) no number can't link

  4. Hi Christine, loved the ATC and pleased you liked mine too. It's lovely when you hear them pop through the letter box and see the lovely ideas that have been produced. Our days seem to have been very similar. I've been doing some sorting while hubby is off on his travels around the country and just hope he's not too shocked when he gets back. It was funny getting Mary Anne's 'Never Ending card' as I've just got a die to make some though you can do it without and there are plenty of instructions on YouTube, just type in Never Ending card and you should find them. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  5. Thanks for your lovely ATC Christine, and I’m glad you got mine. Yes, we’re calming down now and I think there’s only one or two far-flung swaps to arrive. I love your picture of the wedding.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 9 x

  6. Lovely ATCs, it's so nice getting happy mail rather than pings for emails and messages and such like! I hope you have success with your multi coloured vegetables - they sound wonderful and I bet they really brighten up a meal.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #16

  7. I'm very good at doing nothing so that is great! receiving proper happy mail is such agreat way to celebrate our group. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  8. Have to say I was doing OK until my hospital appointment and I've been full of tears ever since. Not going to life group and watching a film which turned out a tear jerker didn't help at all. Super old photo and nice of you to let us know the colours. I need to trust my back and get out in the garden after today's experience. Hugs BJ#17

  9. What a fabulous photo from 1957. Most impressive photo of you, too. Loved the ATCs you got. Your garden already sounds like a rainbow of brilliant colors. Happy WOYWW from #4.

  10. Thanks so much for your beautiful ATC it is a little treasure . Fab wedding phot. I remember being a bridesmaid about the same time - so exciting. Still not much free time here but It keeps me on the go and I'm certainly fitter from all the walking to hospital to visit! Every cloud. . . x x Jo

  11. Love that screen saver sentiment Christine. Thanks again for the ATC. I can't wait to see purple carrots! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  12. How lovely to find those seeds. It will be a tearful time no doubt as you watch them grow but please feel the love, I am sure you will.
    Love the old photo and yes, I remember dressing up like that. At Sermons Day we all had new outfits, with gloves, and those feathered hat things were fantastic. Thanks for the memories.
    Lovely atc's on display, nothing quite hits it like happy mail does it?
    Sorry I am so late visiting, the torn muscle has been horrible on top of everything else.

    Hugs, Neet xx


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...