
Sunday 26 April 2020

Garden day again....

Spending as much time in the garden as the weather allows and my body doesn't call time!!!
Managed to finish painting the fence and then dig over round the remaining plants.  I added some spent compost from last year's tomato pots and planted the new clematis.  One more to plant, supposedly a double blue, but I mulched with chicken muck so this will be a dirty job.

We had the pigeons messing around at the top of the garden, one was quite aggressive so we now have a pigeon with what looks like a broken wing.  He settled into the forsythia bush for the night, well hidden.
He came out this morning and flew/hopped into the chicken ranch.  He managed to sit on top of the hutch so I nipped in and left him some food and water, chasing the hens out  ha! ha!
He seems to be quite happy in there now so we presume tonight we will have seven chickens and a pigeon on the perch!!!  lol
I've pruned an old vicious blackberry back today, what a difference it has made to the garden, opened up some more of the shrubbery.

We managed to plant Olive into a pot so she might be a bit more happy, I don't think she enjoyed being in the corner by the Blueberries....time will tell.

The chickens loved checking to make sure she had all moved over and there were no worms or grubs left behind!!

The bushes round the perimeter of the garden come out in different coloured flowers as the Spring turns into summer.  The Forsythia is the first to show it's yellow flowers, quickly followed by the Ribes of which we have the red one, I hope to get a cutting of the pale pink one soon, both of these have now 'gone over' and waiting to be pruned.

The Lilac has pride of place at the top of the garden but is quickly being outshone by the Yellow Lilac which I am 'looking after' for a friend.

I noticed that the Wegalia is coming into flower, such a  pretty bush.

Another day or two over, lots of jobs done and really just one more to do - planting the blue clematis - but there is rain forecast ..... boo!hoo!  I shall have to go back to crafting I suppose!  lol

1 comment:

  1. OH! beautiful shrubs to have in the garden we have them too, although for some reason our Ribes died after 20 odd years in the garden I loved it. Our lilac hasn't flowered, but our Weigela is starting to flower too.
    Take card and take it slow, just as well a little rain has fallen to give you chance to slow it a little, although back to sun next week :)
    Take care.
    Faith x


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