
Wednesday 6 May 2020

WOYWW #570

Sharing with Julia at Stamping Ground . . . . come share your desk . . . . . it's fun.

here's mine . . . .

Now I don't know whether that's a photo of sunshine or work!! 
I am creating my ATCs for an ATCs For All swap. 
Big tin on the left contains used postage stamps, one day I will get my collection out and bring it up to date!!  In the meantime the stamps are used in my artworks.  Towards the back are some text sheets I have printed out, from Sweet Shoppe designs.  I have been using their designs since I first discovered digital scrapbooking many years ago, not that I scrapbook. . . .
I am trying to get all my swap created and posted in the first week of the month and then I can go enjoy the garden . . . . properly!  Like digging, pruning and planting.
Very short and sweet today, lots to do and . . . . lots of time to do it in   lol
I am finding that there are STILL not enough hours in the day to do everything. 
Ah! Well! 
We're safe and that's all that matters at the moment.


  1. Hi Christine - looks like a regular hum-dinger of a workdesk today. So many exciting things to look at. BTW - did you email me those numbers?? I haven't found it in my inbox... Enjoy making all the ATCs in advance - then enjoy the garden. Everything is growing so very fast at the moment!!
    Take care of yourselves. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  2. Cool ATCs Christine, looks like a holiday theme to me. Enjoy the gardening. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  3. The very fact that you are feeling like digging and pruning has made me very happy Christine, you're obviously feeling a lot better which is marvellous! Lovely that you're entering the challenges and swaps too, honestly I think we crafters have been well prepared for this's a good excuse to buy more stash, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  4. Hi Christine! I agree that we still don't have enough time. I feel like somedays I have less time because I am tending to the needs of my family throughout the day. I too am eager to get into my garden. The weather got really hot this weekend so I spent time weeding and putting down some grass seeds. But it's cool again so I am back inside. I know that as the weather warms, I will spend less time at my craft room. That is just my cycle. I love being in my garden and spending time on my deck reading. So we will see how I adjust this year. Stay well.
    Belinda #31

  5. Fun ATCs! I think the sunlight would distract me a bit as I would want to be out in it. Unfortunately we're under a heat advisory today so I get to play at my desk! Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol n #26

  6. I hope you get all your swaps finished before the weather changes Christine, I believe we are in for a cold spell.. :/ Your so right about those extra hours, they seem to gve us no extra time to get our to do's done. Take care & stay very safe Tracey #6

  7. i love the sunlight over your desk . You are right - there is still so much to do in the day - i am looking longingly at my desk now but have to go cook for my brood. ahh well hopefully tomorrow :) Take care xxSoojay#22

  8. well I definitely don't have time - working from "9 til 5.20" at home in reality it's 8 till 5.45 at least... and hardly a break .... bad, i know. Still I love your sunny desk and your atcs.. Stay safe, and take care..Helen #1

  9. Hi Christine, there are definitely not enough hours in the day - I wake up with such grand plans, of what I want to do in that day, and always run out of time. Your sunny desk looks very inviting - I'm in the dark in the mornings, till mid afternoon and then get blinded by the sun. Maybe I should look at relocating my craft room! The ATCs look great too. Thanks for stopping by, I hope my ventures into family history are not too addictive - I don't have time to get addicted to something lol. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #20

  10. Hi Christine, I think the light looks gorgeous and that is really smart to corral all those stamps into one container. ( I think mine are spread out in a couple of places) ~Stacy #27

  11. Hi Christine you certainly sound pretty chipper - and I agree, the days are just as full as ever! I think the next day or three will be mainly garden days and I will retreat to my craft room when the temperatures drop again. So changeable at the mo I never know what I will be wearing from one day to the next! Shorts will be out again for Friday unless it changes again. Happy WOYWW, Stay safe, stay well, Cindy #18

  12. No chance of getting bored then. Considering we don't go any where the weeks still seem to fly by. You mentioned postage stamps, I came across mine when moving into the new cabin and can't believe how many I have must find a use for them. I've been gardening today and washing which is why I'm so late getting round. Wishing you a rather late but happy woyww and a lovely crafty week, Angela x21x

  13. I definitely don’t have enough time! Love the busy desk...enjoy making your ATCs. Stay safe and well, with love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#17)

  14. Love all the activity on your desk and I often wonder how the day can disappear so quickly. Gardening (tidying up really) seems to be consuming me at the moment. Well done with the ATC's ... they are the perfect size for little works of art. Enjoy and stay safe.
    Sandra de @9

  15. Hi Christine, I agree, there still doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day! Great print outs, and I too have a tub of used stamps ' to use one day', lol. Have a lovely week, stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #8 X

  16. Hi Christine! Lovely rays of sunshine! And it is funny, no matter how many hours we get there still isn't enough time! Love the ATCs, and the giant bin of stamps! My Dad was a stamp collector, he actually paid the down payment on the house we live in with stamps! Have a great week, stay safe, Lindart #28

  17. A lovely colourful and busy desk, Christine - the text sheets look intriguing. Hope the ATC swap goes well, and the gardening too. My hubby has been hard at that, too! Everyone's gardens are going to be so beautiful after the lockdown because people have had a lot more time to do it. I totally agree about there not being enough hours in the day. How anyone can say they are bored during the lockdown is beyond me. Even if they haven't got gardens to do, or loads of friends to Zoom or WhatsApp with, they've still got the internet and could learn a new skill - or indulge in the wealth of online reading etc. What an opportunity to learn new things and improve oneself!

    Thank you for your visit. I've been cutting bits of herbs to put in our salads and they really pep up the flavour - so lovely and fresh! I've started doing separate blog posts about the sproutings if you are interested. It's going very well so far. I'm glad you've found some satisfaction with your supermarket shopping at Morrisons - I'm pretty fed up with Tesco and can't wait for the lockdown to finish so I can start getting deliveries from Sainsbury's! In the meantime, in the total absence of slots till 24th May, my delivery man is my hubby!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #7

  18. Hi Christine
    I'm so late with my visit, got distracted by the beautiful weather. That's certainly a desk of sunshine, It looks beautiful.
    You look full of industry. I hope you managed to get out in the garden too.
    Take care
    Hugs Lisax 24

  19. Sorry for my (very) late visit, time seems to speed even in lockdown. I LOVE used poststamps on my art journal pages, you have quite a bunch in that can! Have fun creating and working in the garden, the weather is beautiful to do that! (I have a small balcony myself, but enjoy to sit there and enjoy my plants. The lavender blooms which attracts bees...) Have a nice week, love from Holland. Marit #25


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WOYWW #777

  777 . . .  Used to be the dialling code for our area . . . . . .  just saying! The Desk Bit boring but I am 'shopping my stash' at...